The Westerly Airport Association is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization dedicated to promoting Westerly Airport and General Aviation.
Activities in addition to Young Eagles Over Westerly include a Summer Pancake Breakfast, monthly meetings, aviation safety seminars, educational programs for children and an established Aviation Scholarship Program.
We have awarded Scholarships to students for the past 25 years, who are continuing their education in Aviation related fields of study, as well as Aeronautical Engineering.
Regular meetings of the Westerly Airport Association are held on the third Tuesday of each month, usually at the Westerly Airport terminal building conference room. Changes in location or time will be announced to active members and posted here on our website. Please feel free to attend. Our meetings are open to the public. The minutes for past meetings are available to members in the Calendar entry for each, as a clickable link near the bottom of the meeting page.
click to see a little bit of our history
The purpose of the Association is to celebrate and advocate for general aviation and the Westerly State Airport. The Association shall plan and conduct activities and projects which will serve to educate the public about the value of the Airport and General Aviation and to promote the enjoyment of the same.
In addition the association is devoted to supporting and advancing, through the awarding of scholarships, the careers of local graduating seniors and young adults who plan to pursue careers in aviation-related fields.
Bernie Stumpf
Carol Amedeo
Derek Ferris
Kurt Levcowich
Board of Directors
Jim Gueltzow BOD Chair-person
Carol Amedeo
Nancy Christina
Steve Christina
Derek Ferris
Dawn LaFleur
Kurt Levcowich
Sandy Niles
Suzanne Scully
Bernie Stumpf
Dotty Stumpf
Linda Theadore